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AI solutions for image aquisition and analysis

Expertise in Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Biology and Physics

Episenses develops proprietary Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning algorithms for broad range of applications in Image Analytics providing massive parallelization on modern GPUs. Processing, storage, management, presentation, and analytics of images.

What we offer

Microscopy image analysis

Cell counting, feature extraction, automatic segmentation and quantification of biological and histopatological images using proprietary parallel algorithms based on neural networks.

Aerial image analysis

Automatic segmentation and quantification of damaged and intact areas on agriculture fields, private properies, industrial plants. Counting plants, estimate of crop health  from areal images using artificial intelligence algorithms.

Drone photography

Professional aerial services including drone filming and editing, drone photography. Therabites of high quality 4K drone footage of cinematic shoots of Catalonia, Aragon, Andorra, Valencia, ...

Want to try our service?

If you have an original idea where automatic image analysis can lead to a breakthrough and you are ready to cooperate, drop us an email or send a test image. If we like your idea, we will contact you back very soon.

Social media channels:


tel: +34 6 44448558


Fundació URV,
Av. Paisos Catalans 18
43007 Tarragona, Spain